We're all sex objects now, ho, ho, ho!

Periodically my attention is drawn to the strident voices complaining about how life, the world and the media objectify women as sex objects. The recent hoo-hah in the UK as the mass-market tabloid The Sun ceased publishing its famous or infamous page three naked women and then almost immediately did an about turn is a case in point.
Personally, I find it hard to get excited about, preferring to regard a good bottle of Burgundy as a source of pleasurable anticipation.
The strident female voices bemoaning the trivialisation of women, ignoring those who have made significant achievements in science, the arts, the media and politics, for instance, make a serious point. Our current attitudes (mainly men's) may hark back to human development whereby tribal societies developed along distinct roles; men hunted, fought wars, built the world as we know it (over many centuries) and controlled women keeping them as child bearers, housewives and chattels. But times change.  In so doing they also caused some of the worse suffering the world has ever seen but I'm not convinced if the sexual roles had been reversed from the outset things would have been that much different. It's an interesting idea. Maybe someone should write a book.
Some of a more metaphysical or spiritual persuasion may be aware that esoteric lore implies that the world is moving into the age of Horus – the age of the female principle and that this huge, cyclical movement informs and influences all of us without us being aware of it.
However, I don't hear men's voices berating and complaining about the treatment of men as sex objects (maybe not in exactly the same way as women) but objectifying men nevertheless. Should this be called masculinism?
If you browse the romance or erotica categories on Amazon you will find thousands of ebooks written by women predominantly for women featuring covers plastered with male torsos, six-packs to the fore, often wearing the skimpiest of G-strings, frequently with young women draped around them.
I don't see all that much difference between the two situations. Maybe at some time in our lives we are all sex objects, mostly with people we love in the short or long term. And it doesn't do us much harm in the final analysis. But I do think men's voices should be heard about this blatant exploitation. Seriously, it is not quite the same thing but the thinking behind it isn't much different feeding female fantasies. You don't hear feminists talking about this too much.
Keep the faith.